Kate Middleton Style Blog

William and Kate speak to the BBC about mental health and life under ‘lockdown’.

On the 17th of April 2020, William and Kate gave an interview to Tina Daheley for BBC Breakfast.  The couple spoke about a wide range of topics including the coronavirus pandemic, mental health and the NHS.  

The couple spoke about the “pressure, stress and isolation” that’s building up for people in the UK as we stay home amid the coronavirus crisis.  At the time of the interview, the UK had been under ‘lockdown’ for three weeks.

In the interview, which took place via video link, Kate said that while there’s been a focus on physical wellbeing during lockdown, we need to look after our mental health too:

We mustn’t forget our mental well-being as well and making sure you’re reaching out to those people around you that you have access to – even if it’s over the phone or online to really make sure you have those conversations.

In addition, the couple highlighted that there’s an “ever-increasing need” for people to know where to access mental health help support should they need it.  The couple encouraged people across the UK to use technology to connect with each other and use online tools like the NHS’s Every Mind Matters platform.

William and Kate also paid tribute to NHS staff who are understandably worried and anxious at this time too. 

In the interview, William and Kate spoke about their life during lockdown.   Kate said like any family, they’d had ups and downs.  With regard to homeschooling, the couple are trying to stick to a strict routine – so strict that they carried on over the school holidays, not telling the children it was Easter break!  Though Kate did admit Easter chocolate was stashed in “every little corner around the house”. 

The royal pair also discussed the chaos of trying to video call family with their three children.  Kate described it as “a bit hectic”, as William explained that Louis always wants to press the “big red button” which ends the call. 

It’s quite hectic for them all to say the right thing at the right time without pressing the wrong buttons. But it’s great and it’s nice to keep in touch with everybody.

Kate’s sweater:

Kate’s wearing a blue and white striped sweater in the video.

It’s likely to be the striped sweater she wore in May 2019 during the launch of the King’s Cup Regatta. Unfortunately, we don’t have any further information about the piece.